Presentation: Fostering learner autonomy through reflective journal writing in class




Date: Wednesday 26 October 2011

Speakers: Dr. Chuk Yim Ping, Joanne

Title: Fostering learner autonomy through reflective journal writing in class

Powerpoint: download

HKIEd project: Promoting Autonomy by Employing Pedagogical Strategies in the Language Classroom


Exploratory Practice was initially developed to empower in-service teachers by bringing a research perspective into their classrooms where familiar classroom activities are adapted and developed for their investigative potential. Little research has been done to explore how Exploratory Practice can be integrated into regular classroom life to help pre-service teachers develop a sense of autonomy in language learning. This paper details how one such study was carried out in a teacher education institute in Hong Kong and discusses the findings related to the development of both learner autonomy and teacher autonomy.

It was found that by utilizing reflective journals specifically designed to encourage conscious reflection on learning and teaching, both learners and the teacher achieved a much better mutual understanding of their classroom experiences. Discourse analysis of learnersโ€™ semester-long reflective journals shows that the student-teachers achieved gains in their metacognitive awareness development. Learner awareness, language awareness, learning process awareness and social awareness were raised to varying degrees in different student-teachers. Both learners and the teacher became more autonomous and the quality of life in the classroom improved. As learner autonomy and teacher autonomy are interdependent, it is proposed that future teacher education programmes should provide student-teachers with the skills to develop autonomy in the learners.